The Eagleson's in Gaithersburg, Md USA

The Casey barn is a center-piece of the city of Gaithersburg and is currently used as a
community center. It is a nice little city on the outskirt's of Washington, DC. There
are many nice people that live in the area especially those that like the idea of
maintaining an environmentaly sensitive attitude. There are many old large trees
around here and we are the proud keepers of two and one-half tall oaks and seveval
other trees. The city area is also rapidly growing as it is experiencing an economic
boom time. Traffic is a slight problem due to the main drag, route 355, which runs
right through the center of town. Believe-it-or-not the traffic is most difficult at lunch
time when the lunch crowd rushes to the many fine restaurants.
We are also the proud residents of a railroad town.  A main line of the CSX system runs
straight through town.  While they are very noisy we have adapted and now find the
trains to be a friendly neighbor.

I have a site here for the many odd things in technology that I am interested in.
Please read with imagination and look at the site as a reflection of the owners personality. A fun site.

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